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Thursday 24 September 2009

Reflection, Long Words and Quietness!

Today has been a good day. I got quite a bit of reading done for College, I just have to type up my notes now so I can remember it all!

Thursdays are usually a day for planning, because it's when I specifically meet up with Alison for that purpose. We usually look at services that are coming up, and discuss and plan who's doing what, and what the structure and theme of them are, etc. We usually review any information I need to pass on regarding College as well.

We had some good discussions about the nature of 'church', and the fact that what convictions we hold, determine the outcome of how we plan services and how we see 'church'. We discussed meetings we've both had this week, both 'official' and pastoral. I really value the time we have on Thursday mornings, as I'm sure Alison has loads of things she could be doing, but she chooses to give a learning student the time!

It's good to reflect on the week we've both had so far, and to commit our work to God. We both reflected and talked about our roles, and being people who are available, both for people, and for God to speak to. That's not easy when you have a list of things to accomplish and you're aware of 'stuff' you have to get done, but it is really important. All of us, whether we're 'full-time' or not, (in quotes, because technically ALL Christians are full-time for God) need time to stop 'doing', and just 'be'.

In the Psalms, those famous words are uttered:

 Psalm 46:10 (New International Version)

10 "Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth."
It's interesting to note that God infers that he will be exalted no matter what happens in the world, maybe that's why we need to be still before Him! All our scurrying around trying to glorify Him won't affect the outcome of His Glory, that's a given!

It's interesting that in my journey so far, this has been the biggest struggle for me: to stop trying to do things for God, but instead do things from God. What I mean by that is it's hard for me to come straight from a Bookshop Manager's job, where everything was about performance and targets and profit and loss; it's been so hard for me to realise that the one imperative for me as a Minister is going to be to STOP! To stop trying to do things for God, and to just simply give Him time and space in my life to listen to what He's saying. I've a suspicious feeling that being a Minister is not going to be about achieving things, but maybe more about watching things grow and change and observing them.

Jesus talked about the Kingdom of God being like a seed, well technically if you think about it, a seed just needs an environment to grow. Yes, the Farmer can give it the right soil, and water and a place where it gets sunlight, but that's all he does. The rest is up to the seed! The farmer will not influence that seed directly by anything else he does, he cannot make it grow, the rest is up to the seed and God!

Maybe we have too many 'programs' and 'visions' and 'meetings' and 'effort' in the church general, maybe we need to learn more about abiding in God, and resting in Him. Maybe then we would see real change...

Something to ponder more on...


  1. I think too many churches approach things in a business-like fashion. Church isn't about numbers: it's about enabling people to realise their true identity, for them to be the best 'them' they can be. I always thought that was a difficult tension at Wesley Owen.
